Choose abundances for your sample and plotting


Useful information!

To plot the log(eps) abundances leave the denominator element empty. (the first option in the list)

Leave upper and lower limit options empty to include all stars with abundances for selected elements.

Need more abundances or stellar parameter criteria?

Use this option to add a selection criteria using elemental abundances other than those selected above.

Filter 1: [ / ] From To

Filter 2: [ / ] From To

Further customize your sample

Use these criteria to select your sample of stars.

Select references

The reference list is updated after a successful query to reflect the references included in the customized sample. If you change any of the optoins above to do a new query, you need to reselect the desired references manually, otherwise the references selected in the previous query would be used. This extra step is to make sure that you manually inspect the references selected for each query.

Select by author and year:

Year range:

Add last name of first author seperated by a comma (e.g. Frebel, Roederer) and year range.


select references from the table below.

Customize plot

Add more information to the output table

Note: These options do not affect the sample selection. This informaion is only added to the output table after the stellar sample is selected above.

Add up to 3 extra elements to the output table in addition to those selected above:


extra 1: /

extra 2: /

extra 3: /

JINAbase data
Literature data
Simbad data